Showing posts with label Illustration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Illustration. Show all posts



Purchase the digital sketchbook collection at 10$ on the link below,

Hi there, I released my first sketch collection this year and Its one of the amazing milestones i have achieved in my career as an illustrator and cartoonist. I am looking forward at creating a new one every year that lands and I hope the world finds it a gift from me as an illustrator mastering capturing life through inks, graphite and digital medium.

This first collection contains 536 pages full of concept art, character designs, sketches, studies and some of the commissions that I worked on during 2024. The collection was edited and compiled by SartsGraphics

Product details

KmcVisuals is an illustrator and cartoonist from Uganda. This is the first of his self-published sketchbooks. It consists of 536 pages of works created in 2023.

This book is approximately A5 in size and contains approximately 536 pages of his monumental artwork.

This sketchbook is packed with ideas, concepts and imaginations with some notes included. KmcVisuals drawings, doodles, researches, comic book panel, portraits, caricatures, live figure drawing, animal drawing, and many more amazing sketches are included in this book.

For shipping please send a direct email to to inquire shipping fee.

Product type: Sketchbook

Brand: KmcVisuals

Collection: KmcVisuals Sketchbook Collection

Pages: 536

What comes along the sketch collection : Poster, cover page and a book.

Links to his socials:

Book preview 


The first and last pages of my diaries

I always create some few drawings at the first and last pages of my diaries and this give me a lot of vibes whenever I open them to jot down some information or ideas, most times I get hooked up and create drawing the diaries instead of making notes.

Life of an illustrator haha


Drawing from what i observed at a walk

I enjoy sitting for a few minutes and create a composition rom what I have seen during maybe a walk or a visit. I drew this from a walk I had with my sister as we went down to the trading center to register a new simcard for her.

My aim while creating the drawing was to make the viewer feel part of the environment and to also relate with the character that was frying a Chapatti


Digital colorist Portfolio


My strict love with the pencil

I always enjoy the feel of a pencil moving on a surface but...… As an artist I developed a fear of perfection that develops with the fact that a rubber can erase and give more space for correction. I feel its a big problem to artists especially young artists that they fail to accept the fact that there is need to learn and study more art fundamentals like anatomy and shading with its techniques, so whenever I I get a pencil I am strict with it that I use it the same way I use ink.

It develops ones love and drive towards understanding more of what he or she is drawing rather than just focusing at making a perfect drawing with a surface understanding of the subject.




Diary idea sketches

Happy New month to you. This post includes some of the sketches that are found in my diary, i drew them to capture some information from both my head and the environment i was in at the time. Hope you enjoy them.